
The harness mThe harness m
The harness mThe harness m
The harness m
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ving the Harness
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ve the harness system.ve the harness system.
ve the harness system.ve the harness system.
ve the harness system.
1. Unhook the shoulder belt loops from the metal
hooks at the back of the seat.
2. Pull the shoulder belts through the seat back
from the front of the seat.
3. Remove the chest clip half from the child’s right
shoulder belt.
4. The right shoulder belt continues down through
the latch plate and under the seat bottom. Pull
this belt all the way out from under the seat so
it comes out the child’s left side (your right side
when facing the front of the Sit’n’Stroll
). The
upper part of the harness is now free of the
seat pad.
5. Release the latch plates from the buckle.
Gently slide the buckle down through the crotch
strap slot in the fabric cover being careful to
not tear the pad slot. Turning the buckle
sideways may help it fit through the pad slot.
6. The fabric cover is now free to be unclipped
from the shell and removed for washing.
Installing the HarnessInstalling the Harness
Installing the HarnessInstalling the Harness
Installing the Harness
1. Be sure the fabric cover is on and gently slide the buckle up through the crotch
strap slot. Turning the buckle sideways may help it fit through the crotch strap
2. Replace the latch plates into the buckle and snap the chest clip together. The
should be in the stroller position with the telescoping handle down.
3. Be sure the harness adjuster is on the child’s left side of the seat (your right while
facing the Sit’n’Stroll
). Slide the upper adjuster belt loop through the appropri-
ate shoulder belt slot to the back of the seat and fasten to the metal hook.
4. Push the long shoulder belt down through the slot at the child’s left hip, around
the bottom of the shell and up through the slot near the child’s right hip.