Manually Adjusted Lap Belts and Locking Latch PlatesManually Adjusted Lap Belts and Locking Latch Plates
Manually Adjusted Lap Belts and Locking Latch PlatesManually Adjusted Lap Belts and Locking Latch Plates
Manually Adjusted Lap Belts and Locking Latch Plates
1. Place the Sit’n’Stroll
in a rear facing position
in the car.
2. Thread the lap belt through the rear facing
vehicle-belt tabs. Click the latch plate into
the buckle.
3. Push down firmly on the Sit’n’Stroll
to sink it
into the car’s seat cushion, while pulling on
the end of the lap belt or shoulder part of the
lap/shoulder belt. You may have to press on
one armrest at a time to get the auto belt
tight. Pull the seat belt as tight as possible
across the unit.
4. Be sure the back of the Sit’n’Stroll
is at a
45-degree angle. The base of the seat should
be horizontal. Use a tightly rolled towel or
sheet under the seat base to adjust the angle
if necessary.
5. Secure the top tether to the tether anchor in
the vehicle if desired.
6. Lift up on the Sit’n’Stroll
to check that it is
securely tightened. If it moves away from the
auto seat, retighten the auto seat belts.
7. If you have tightened the belt and it is still not
secure, move it to another seating location
and repeat steps 1-6. If there is no location
in your vehicle that will securely hold the
restraint, do not use it! Contact you vehicle
dealer to have a vehicle belt installed that will
remain tight.
Be sure the car seat belts are not twisted.Be sure the car seat belts are not twisted.
Be sure the car seat belts are not twisted.Be sure the car seat belts are not twisted.
Be sure the car seat belts are not twisted.
Rear-Facing Tabs