Wireless Adapter RNX-N4 User Manual
• Enable: Place a check in this box to enable the WISH rule. A WISH Rule identifies a
specific message flow and assigns a priority to that flow. For most applications, the
priority classifiers ensure the right priorities and specific WISH Rules are not required.
WISH supports overlaps between rules. If more than one rule matches for a specific
message flow, the rule with the highest priority will be used.
• Name: Assign a meaningful name to the WISH rule.
• Priority: Select a priority from the drop-down list. The four priority message flows are:
1. BK: Background (least urgent).
2. BE: Best Effort.
3. VI: Video.
4. VO: Voice (most urgent).
• Protocol: Select a protocol from the drop-down list.
• Hos1 IP Range: Specify the IP range for the rule.
• Host 1 Port Range: Specify the port range for the rule.
• Host 2 IP Range: Specify the IP range for the rule.
• Host 2 Port Range: Specify the port range for the rule.
• Click on the Save button to insert the entry into the WISH rules list.
6.3.13 Wi-Fi Protected Setup
• Wi-Fi Protected Setup is a feature that locks the wireless security settings and prevents
the settings from being changed by any new external registrar using its PIN. Devices
can still be added to the wireless network using Wi-Fi Protected Setup.