Wireless Adapter RNX-N4 User Manual
• Enable Traffic Shaping: Place a check in the box to enable traffic shaping. When this
option is enabled, the router restricts the flow of outbound traffic so as not to exceed
the WAN uplink bandwidth.
• Automatic Uplink Speed: Place a check in this box to enable automatic uplink speed.
When enabled, this option causes the router to automatically measure the useful uplink
bandwidth each time the WAN interface is re-established (after a reboot, for example).
• Measured Uplink Speed: Displays the uplink speed. This is the uplink speed
measured when the WAN interface was last re-established. The value may be lower
than that reported by your ISP as it does not include all of the network protocol
overheads associated with your ISP's network. Typically, this figure will be between
87% and 91% of the stated uplink speed for xDSL connections and around 5 kbps
lower for cable network connections.
• Manual Uplink Speed: Specify an uplink speed or select it from the drop-down list. If
Automatic Uplink Speed is disabled, this options allows you to set the uplink speed
manually. Uplink speed is the speed at which data can be transferred from the router to
your ISP.
• Connection Type: By default, the router automatically determines whether the
underlying connection is an xDSL/Frame-relay network or some other connection type
(such as cable modem or Ethernet), and it displays the result as Detected xDSL or
Frame Relay Network. If you have an unusual network connection in which you are
actually connected via xDSL but for which you configure either Static or DHCP in the
WAN settings, setting this option to xDSL or Other Frame Relay Network ensures that
the router will recognize that it needs to shape traffic slightly differently in order to give
the best performance. Choosing xDSL or Other Frame Relay Network causes the
measured uplink speed to be reported slightly lower than before on such connections,
but gives much better results.
• Click on the Save Settings button to store these settings.