Modifying the Sound
Quick Start
2. Working on Oscillator Waveforms (FILTER)
The filter alters the tone color by cutting or boosting the harmonics of the waveforms
created by the oscillator.
Press [TYPE] to select a filter type.
The indicator of the selected filter type lights up. To select a filter type on the lower
row, get the two indicators above the name to light.
LPF (Low Pass Filter)
Passes lower frequencies and blocks high frequencies. With this filter you can soften
sharp sounds.
BPF (Band Pass Filter)
Passes specific frequencies and blocks other high and low frequencies. With this
filter you can enhance the midrange frequencies of the sound.
HPF (High Pass Filter)
Passes high frequencies and blocks low frequencies. With this filter you can keep the
upper sound portions, while eliminating the lower sound portions.
PKG (Peaking Filter)
Boosts the frequencies near the cutoff frequency. You can create a wah effect by
adding a constant change to the cutoff frequencies with the LFO (p. 32).
See “Changing the
Characteristics of Sounds
(FILTER)” (p. 56) for details on
the Filter.
The selected filter
The selected filter
See “Internal Filter Types and
Functions (TYPE, SLOPE)”
(p. 56) for details on filter