MIDI Transmit/Receive Setting List
Exc: Exclusive Message
CC: Control Change
* When Edit TxRx is set to “OFF,” the related Control Changes are not transmitted or received. Additionally, when set to “Mod1,” Control Changes
transmitted only in “Mod2” are not received.
* Parameters other than those mentioned in this list are transmitted as Exclusive messages.
Section Parameter “Mod1” (Mode 1) “Mod2” (Mode 2) Remarks
Patch Common/
Level CC07 CC07 CC07: Volume, Value: 0–127
Pan CC10 CC10 CC10: Panpot, Value: 0–127 (64=Center)
Solo Switch CC126/127 CC126/127 CC126: Mono (Solo)/CC127: Poly
Unison Switch CC70 CC70 CC70: Sound Controller 1, Value: 0=OFF/1=ON
Portamento Time CC05 CC05 CC05: Portamento Time, Value: 0–127
Portamento Type Exc (Transmit/Receive)/
CC65 (Receive)
Exc (Transmit/Receive)/
CC65 (Receive)
CC65: Portamento, Value: 0–63=OFF/64–127=Fulltime,
Exc (OFF/Legato Only/Fulltime)
Legato Switch Exc (Transmit/Receive)/
CC68 (Receive)
Exc (Transmit/Receive)/
CC68 (Receive)
CC68: Legato, Value: 0–63=OFF/64–127=ON,
Exc (OFF/ON/Retrigger)
OSC 1&2 Oscillator 1:2 Balance CC08 CC08 CC08: Balance, Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Pitch Env Attack Time Exc CC26 Value: 0–127
Pitch Env Decay Time Exc CC27 Value: 0–127
OSC 1 Pitch Env Depth Exc CC25 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
PWM Depth CC78 CC78 CC78: Sound Controller 9, Value: 0–127
Coarse Tune Exc CC21 Value: 40–88 (64=Center)
Fine Tune CC77 CC77 CC77: Sound Controller 8, Value: 14–114 (64=Center)
OSC 2 Pitch Env Depth Exc CC57 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
PWM Depth CC79 CC79 CC79: Sound Controller 10, Value: 0–127
Coarse Tune Exc CC53 Value: 40–88 (64=Center)
Fine Tune CC76 CC76 CC76: Sound Controller 7, Value: 14–114 (64=Center)
Filter Filter Type Exc CC34 Value: 0–4
Cutoff Frequency CC74 CC74 CC74: Sound Controller 5, Value: 0–127
Resonance CC71 CC71 CC71: Sound Controller 2, Value: 0–127
Cutoff Kay Follow Exc CC30 Value: 44–84 (64=Center)
Env Depth CC81 CC81 CC81: General Purpose Controller 6, Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Env Attack Time CC82 CC82 CC82: General Purpose Controller 7, Value: 0–127
Env Decay Time CC83 CC83 CC83: General Purpose Controller 8, Value: 0–127
Env Sustain Time Exc CC28 Value: 0–127
Env Release Time Exc CC29 Value: 0–127
Amp Env Attack Time CC73 CC73 CC73: Sound Controller 4, Value: 0–127
Env Decay Time CC75 CC75 CC75: Sound Controller 6, Value: 0–127
Env Sustain Time Exc CC31 Value: 0–127
Env Release Time CC72 CC72 CC72: Sound Controller 3, Value: 0–127
LFO 1 Wave Form Exc CC15 Value: 0–6
Rate CC16 CC16 CC16: General Purpose Controller 1, Value: 0–127
Fade Time Exc CC20 Value: 0–127
Oscillator 1 Depth CC18 CC18 CC18: General Purpose Controller 3, Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Oscillator 2 Depth Exc CC50 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Filter Depth CC19 CC19 CC19: General Purpose Controller 4, Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Amp Depth CC80 CC80 CC80: General Purpose Controller 5, Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Pan Depth Exc CC09 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
LFO 2 Wave Form Exc CC47 Value: 0–6
Rate CC17 CC17 CC17: General Purpose Controller 2, Value: 0–127
Fade Time Exc CC52 Value: 0–127
Oscillator 1 Depth Exc CC22 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Oscillator 2 Depth Exc CC54 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Filter Depth Exc CC23 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Amp Depth Exc CC24 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Pan Depth Exc CC41 Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Patch Effect INS/
Intensity CC93 CC93 CC93: General Purpose Effect 3, Value: 0–127
Patch Effect REV/
E.LEVEL CC94 CC94 CC94: General Purpose Effect 4, Value: 0–127
FBK (Feedback) CC13 CC13 CC13: Effect Control 2, Value: 0–98
Performance Level CC07 CC07 CC07: Volume, Value: 0–127
Performance Part Part Level CC07 CC07 CC07: Volume, Value: 0–127
Part Pan CC10 CC10 CC10: Panpot, Value: 1–127 (64=Center)
Performance Part
Send Level
CC91 CC91 CC91: General Purpose Effect 1, Value: 0–127
* All Exclusive messages are received in both “Mod1” and “Mod2.”
* When a parameter is contained in an Exclusive message in “Mod1,” it does not function if a CC corresponding to the same parameter is received.