Exploring the Fantom-G Sounds
Live Mode and Live Sets
The Fantom-G is more than anything else about Live mode, where you can
select “live sets.” A live set is a combination of
eight patches, rhythm sets, or sample sets, along with their patch effects, or
“PFX”—from the Fantom-G’s internal memory.
up to two ARX patches—
• from installed optional ARX expansion boards,
purchased separately.
chorus and reverb effects—
• associated with the live set itself.
up to 16 external sounds—
• you play via MIDI from the Fantom-G.
You can combine a live set’s sounds in a variety of ways. We’ll show you what
we mean in the following introduction to Live mode. (We’ll discuss Live
mode in greater detail in the Live Mode in the Fantom-G Workshop booklet.)
In this booklet, we’ll be exploring live sets that use internal Fantom-G
sounds only, just to keep things simple. We’ll discuss your other options
in the Live Mode in the Fantom-G booklet.
The Party of the First Part
Each of a live set’s sounds is played by a “part” that has its own settings that
determine how the sound plays. Every live set has eight parts. You create
individual patches in Single mode, but you put them together in Live mode
by assigning each one to its own part.
Selecting Live Sets
We’ll be selecting live sets in the following sections. Here’s the basic
Press the LIVE MODE button to enter Live mode.
The Live Play screen appears:
Live sets are stored in the Fantom-G in “banks.” The
PRST bank—
• contains live sets that are permanently stored in the
Fantom-G’s memory. (“PRST” is short for “Preset.)
• USER bank—contains live sets you’ve edited or created.
2 3, 4, 5, and/or 6 to highlight the Bank
Turn the Value dial or press INC and/or DEC to
select the desired live set bank. For now, select the
PRST bank if it’s not already selected.
Highlight the Live Set Number parameter.
Turn the Value dial or press INC and/or DEC to select the desired live 5
In this screenshot we’ve selected the System G
live set, the first one we’ll listen to.