Each time you sequence in the Fantom-G, you create a chunk of MIDI data
called a “phrase.” The phrase is assigned to a track for use in your song. There
are two big advantages to phrase-based recording:
Phrases make song construction and editing easier.
You can use a project’s phrases as many times as you like in one or 2
more songs in the current project.
Select the Part that Has the Sound You Want to Sequence
Begin by selecting the part with the first sound you want to record. This is
easy to do from the Studio Play screen we’re already on:
Use the
1 3 and/or 4 buttons to select the desired part—for now,
Part 1 is already selected. We’ll start recording with its sound.
Now you’ve got your instrument ready.
Select the Track You Want to Sequence
Press the SONG button to display the Song Play screen.1
Select the track on which you want your sequenced phrase to go 2
using the 6 and/or 5 buttons—when a track’s selected, a red arrow
appears to its left and the track’s information becomes light blue.
We’ll use Track 1—make sure it’s selected, as shown above.
You can sequence on any track from any part, but we recommend
sequencing a part’s sound on its same-numbered track to keep confusion
to a minimum, at least for your first 16 tracks. Obviously, since the
Fantom-G has 128 sequencer tracks, after the first 16 parts, you’re on
your own as to what track you want to use for a part’s data.
The Sequencing Process
1 Press the REC (for “Record”) button—the Realtime Rec Standby
window opens and the Fantom-G metronome starts to help you play
in time with the song’s tempo.
The parameters in the Realtime Rec Standby window allow you to
customize your recording session in a variety of ways, but for now we’ll
leave them set as they are. You’ll find explanation of these parameters
in the Sequencing and Recording Workshop booklet.
Before sequencing, let’s change the 2
song’s tempo by pressing the TEMPO
button to open the Tempo window.