
4 – Command Reference
Command Syntax
4-6 SN0054659-00 A
Displays or sets the date and time. To set the date and time, the information string
must be provided in this format: MMDDhhmmCCYY. The new date and time takes
effect immediately.
The date and time should be set to UTC "Coordinated Universal Time", also
known as GMT "Greenwich Mean Time." This is required for the router
management application to correctly display the router’s time. The router
management GUI also sets the router time to UTC.
Authority Admin session to set the date and time. No authority required to display the
current date and time.
Syntax date
Keywords [MMDDhhmmCCYY]
Specifies the date—this requires an Admin session. If you omit
[MMDDhhmmCCYY], the command uses the current date, which does not require
an admin session.
Notes Network time protocol (NTP) must be disabled to set the time with the Date
command. Refer to the “Set NTP” on page 4-43 for information about NTP.
Examples Date command example:
QRouter (admin) #> date 010314282007
Tue Jan 1 14:28:00 2008
QRouter (admin) #> date
Tue Jan 1 14:28:14 2008