A – Log Messages
Fatal Log Messages
SN0054659-00 A A-29
10692 #%d: QLFcipInterruptServiceRoutine: Invalid interrupt status: %x 292
102716 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: System error event (%x), MB1=%x,
MB2=%x, MB3=%x, MB4=%x, MB5=%x, MB6=%x, MB7=%x
102746 #%d: QLProcessResponseQueue: Invalid handle %x, type %x 346
102747 #%d: QLProcessResponseQueueFS: Invalid buffer type: %x 347
102748 #%d: QLProcessResponseQueueFS: Invalid EntryType (0x%x) 348
102749 #%d: QLProcessResponseQueueFS: Invalid handle 0x%x, type
102752 #%d: QLTimer: Ext Ram parity error exceed limit cnt 0x%x, limit
0x%x, Disabled adapter
102755 #%d: QLTimer: Heartbeat failed 355
102800 #%d: QLRestartRisc: restart RISC 400
19 FC1 processor SRAM test failed.
20 FC1 processor power-on self-test (POST) failed.
21 FC2 processor SRAM test failed.
22 FC2 processor POST failed.
23 FC processor failed to return diagnostic results.
256 FC processor failed reset.
257 FC processor firmware load failed.
258 FC processor receive sequencer code load failed.
259 FC processor transmit sequencer code load failed.
262 FC processor firmware checksum failed.
280 FC processor firmware initialization failed.
288 FC processor paused due to internal parity error.
289 FC processor returned an invalid interrupt status.
291 FC processor invalid interrupt status.
Table A-14. Fibre Channel Driver—Fatal Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message No.