3 – Using InfiniPath MPI
InfiniPath MPI Details
3-16 IB6054601-00 D
Run a non-MPI program. Required if the node program makes no MPI calls. Default:
-quiescence-timeout, seconds
Wait time in seconds for quiescence (absence of MPI communication) on the nodes.
Useful for detecting deadlocks. 0 disables quiescence detection.
Default: 900
This option disables MPI communication progress check, without disabling the ping
reply check. Default: Off.
Label each line of output on stdout and stderrwith the rank of the MPI process
which produces the output.
-labelstyle string
Specify the label that is prefixed to error messages and statistics. Process rank is
the default prefix.
-stdin filename
Filename that should be fed as stdin to the node program. Default: /dev/null
-stdin-target 0..np-1 | -1
Process rank that should receive the file specified with the -stdin option. -1 means
all ranks. Default: -1
-wdir path-to-working_dir
Sets the working directory for the node program.
-wdir current-working-dir
Causes each node program to print various MPI statistics to stderr on job
termination. Can be useful for troubleshooting. Default: off. For details, see
appendix C.8.13.