2 – InfiniPath Cluster Administration
Memory Footprint
IB6054601-00 D 2-3
on system configuration. OpenFabrics support is under development and has not
been fully characterized. This table summarizes the guidelines.
Here is an example for a 1024 processor system:
■ 1024 cores over 256 nodes (each node has 2 sockets with dual-core processors)
■ 1 adapter per node
■ Each core runs an MPI process, with the 4 processes per node communicating
via shared memory.
■ Each core uses OpenFabrics to connect with storage and file system targets
using 50 QPs and 50 EECs per core.
Table 2-1. Memory Footprint of the InfiniPath Adapter on Linux x86_64 Systems
Memory Footprint Comment
InfiniPath Driver Required 9 MB Includes accelerated IP
support. Includes tables
space to support up to
1000 node systems.
Clusters larger than 1000
nodes can also be
MPI Optional 71 MB per process with
default parameters: 60 MB
+ 512
*2172 (sendbufs) +
4096*2176 (recvbufs) +
1024*1K (misc. allocations)
+ 32 MB per node when
multiple processes
communicate via shared
+ 264 Bytes per MPI node
on the subnet
Several of these
parameters (sendbufs,
recvbufs and size of the
shared memory region)
are tunable if reduced
memory footprint is
OpenFabrics Optional 1~6 MB
+ ~500 bytes per QP
+ TBD bytes per MR
+ ~500 bytes per EE
+ OpenFabrics stack from
openfabrics.org (size not
included in these
This not been fully
characterized as of this