3 – Event Messages
Alarm Events
59060-05 A 3-11
(A1003.0040) (Zone Member type member_type unsupported.)
Meaning: An invalid zone member type was discovered in a zone. ACL hard
zone membership must be defined by domain_ID and port number.
Action: Correct the member type.
(A1003.0041) (Zoning objects which contain Fibre Channel (FC) Address Members not
being sent to remote switch on save, not supported in this mode)
Meaning: An attempt was made to assign a zone member by FC address
while interoperability mode was disabled. When Interop mode is
disabled, zone membership must be defined by worldwide name or
domain_ID and port number.
Action: Enable Interop mode or change the zone membership type.
(A1003.0048) (Active Zone Set zoneset_name no longer in database, please deactivate
zone set if not already in progress (the save will be deferred until zone set
no longer active!)
Meaning: The switch will not allow you to delete a zone set that has the same
name as the active zone set from the zoning database.
Action: Deactivate the active zone set before deleting the zone set has the
same name.
(A1003.004C) (Active ZoneSet containing Fibre Channel Address may cause fabric to
segment due to switches that do not support this zone member type)
Meaning: Some switches in the fabric may not support Fibre Channel
address zone members in the active zone set.
Action: Edit the necessary zone sets to use worldwide name zone
(A1003.004D) (Port group does not contain entry for this switch)
Meaning: The security set cannot be activated because the port group does
not have an entry for the local switch worldwide name.
Action: Edit the port group to include the local switch worldwide name.
(A1003.004E) (Group entry for local switch does not support authentication)
Meaning: The local switch worldwide name group entry is not configured for
authentication, but other members within the group are. This
configuration is not allowed.
Action: Change the local switch worldwide name entry to run Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication or
remove CHAP authentication from other members of the group.