3 – Event Messages
Alarm Events
3-4 59060-05 A
Alarm Events
An alarm event requires action before you can proceed any further. The following
lists each alarm event ID numbers and message displayed, and provides a
description of the meaning of the message and recommended action to take.
(A1000.000F) (The switch is canceling the hotreset - try again later)
Meaning: You cannot move forward with the hot reset. All applications and
switch resources are backing out of the procedure and returning to
normal operation.
Action: Ensure that the fabric is stable and that no changes are being
made to switch configurations or connections and then try again.
(A1000.001D) (Hotreset failed and the switch must be reset normally)
Meaning: The hot reset has failed and left the switch in an indeterminate
Action: Reset the switch.
(A1000.001E) (Hotreset failed and the switch is being reset)
Meaning: There was a failure during the hotreset process; the switch is being
reset normally.
Action: None
(A1003.000B) (Failing release of fabric lock held by switch with domain domain_ID)
Meaning: The local switch is locked because zoning changes are being
made by a remote switch.
Action: Wait for the lock to time out and try again.
(A1003.000C) (Fabric Busy, failing lock request from domain domain_ID)
Meaning: The command failed because the fabric is busy with another
command in progress.
Action: Wait 10 seconds and retry the command.
(A1003.000D) (Fabric already locked by domain domain_ID)
Meaning: The switch given by the domain_ID has locked the fabric.
Action: Unlock the domain_ID lock on the switch given by domain_ID.
(A1003.000E) (Couldn't acquire lock from domain domain_ID)
Meaning: The fabric may be changing, and therefore could not acquire the
Action: Wait for the fabric to stabilize, then try again.