A – Command Line Interface
Show Log Command
59226-00 B A-83
Displays all events related to switch management.
Displays all events related to zoning.
Displays the event severity level logging setting and the display level setting.
Displays the options that are available for configuring event logging and automatic
display to the screen. Refer to the for information about how to configure event
logging and display level.
Displays the ports being monitored for events. If an event occurs which is of the
defined level and on a defined component, but not on a defined port, no entry is
made in the log.
Displays the current filter settings for component, severity level, port, and display
level. This command is equivalent to executing the following commands
separately: Show Log Component, Show Log Level, and Show Log Port.
Examples The following is an example of the Show Log Component command:
SANbox #> show log component
Current settings for log
FilterComponent NameServer MgmtServer Zoning Switch Blade Port Eport Snmp
The following is an example of the Show Log Level command:
SANbox #> show log level
Current settings for log
FilterLevel Info
DisplayLevel Critical
The following is an example of the Show Log Options command:
SANbox #> show log options
Allowed options for log
FilterLevel Critical,Warn,Info,None
DisplayLevel Critical,Warn,Info,None