A – Command Line Interface
Show Command
59226-00 B A-65
port [port_number]
Displays operational information for the port given by [port_number]. Ports are
numbered beginning with 0. If [port number] is omitted, information is displayed for
all ports. Table A-15 describes the port parameters.
Table A-15. Show Port Parameters
Entry Description
AIinit Incremented each time the port begins AL initialization.
AIinitError Number of times the port entered initialization and the initial-
ization failed.
Bad Frames Number of frames that have framing errors.
ClassXFramesIn Number of class x frames received by this port.
ClassXFramesOut Number of class x frames sent by this port.
ClassXWordsIn Number of class x words received by this port.
ClassXWordsOut Number of class x words sent by this port.
ClassXToss Number of times an SOFi3 or SOFn3 frame is tossed from
DecodeError Number of decode errors detected
EpConnects Number of times an E_Port connected through ISL negotia-
FBusy Number of times the switch sent a F_BSY because Class 2
frame could not be delivered within ED_TOV time. Number of
class 2 and class 3 fabric busy (F_BSY) frames generated by
this port in response to incoming frames. This usually indi-
cates a busy condition on the fabric or N_Port that is prevent-
ing delivery of this frame.
Flowerrors Received a frame when there were no available credits.
FReject Number of frames from devices that were rejected.
InvalidCRC Invalid CRC detected.
InvalidDestAddr Invalid destination address detected.
LIP_AL_PD_ALPS Number of F7, AL_PS LIPs, or AL_PD (vendor specific)
resets, performed.
LIP_F7_AL_PS This LIP is used to reinitialize the loop. An L_Port, identified
by AL_PS, may have noticed a performance degradation and
is trying to restore the loop.