
Alerts System Management and Maintenance
Polycom, Inc. 369
Alert 3202
Invalid license keys applied to cluster <cluster>. System will allow 10 calls.
The specified cluster has an invalid license key or keys.
If you’re logged into that cluster, click the link to go to the Licenses page. If
not, log into that cluster and go to Admin > Local Cluster > Licenses.
Without a valid license, the cluster is limited to ten simultaneous calls.
See also:
“Alerts” on page 359
Alert 3301
Cluster <cluster> is configured for 2 servers, but only a single server is detected.
One of the servers in the specified cluster is not responding to the other server
over the private network that connects them.
This could be a hardware problem, or the server in question may just need to
be rebooted. It’s also possible that the private network connection between the
two servers has failed. Check the ethernet cable connecting the GB2 ports and
replace it if necessary.
See also:
“Alerts” on page 359
Alert 3302
Cluster <cluster> is configured for 1 server, but the private interface is enabled
and active.
Either the cluster contains two servers but was misconfigured as a
single-server cluster, or there is only one server in the cluster but something is
connected its GB2 port.
On a single-server cluster, don’t use the server’s GB2 port for anything.
See also:
“Alerts” on page 359
Alert 3303
Cluster <cluster>: A private network error exists on <server>.
The specified server has detected a problem with the private network that
connects the two servers in the cluster.