Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 87
<strong>—Defines strong text.
<small>—Defines small text.
<sup>—Defines superscripted text.
<sub>—Defines subscripted text.
<bdo>—Defines the direction of text display.
<u>—Deprecated. Defines underlined text.
<pre>—Defines preformatted text.
<code>—Defines computer code text.
<tt>—Defines teletype text.
<kbd>—Defines keyboard text.
<var>—Defines a variable.
<dfn>—Defines a definition term.
<samp>—Defines sample computer code.
<xmp>—Deprecated. Defines preformatted text.
<acronym>—Defines an acronym.
<abbr>—Defines an abbreviation.
<address>—Defines an address element.
<blockquote>—Defines a long quotation.
<center>—Deprecated. Defines centered text.
<q>—Defines a short quotation.
<cite>—Defines a citation.
<ins>—Defines inserted text.
<del>—Defines deleted text.
<s>—Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text.
<strike>—Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text.
<a>—Defines an anchor.
The following attributes are not supported: charset, cords, hreflang, rel, rev, shape,
target, type, id, class, title, style, dir, lang, xml:lang, tabindex, and accesskey.