Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 51
The <input> tag supports the attributes listed in the following table.
Table 40: <input> Tag Attributes
Indicates that the input element should be checked when it first loads.
checkbox, hidden, password, radio, reset, submit,
Indicates the type of input element. The default value is text.
alphanumeric, numericalpha, numeric
Used with type=”text.” Alphanumeric sets the element’s input mode to accept alphabets and allows you to change
the input mode to accept numeric values. Numericalpha sets the element’s input mode to accept numeric values
and allows you to change the input mode to enter alphabets. Numeric sets the element’s input mode to accept
only numeric values.
Defines a unique name for the input element.
For buttons, reset buttons, and submit buttons: Defines the text on the button.
For image buttons: Defines the symbolic result of the field passed to a script.
For checkboxes and radio buttons: Defines the result of the input element when clicked. The result is sent to the
form's action URL.
For hidden, password, and text fields: Defines the default value of the element.
Used with type=checkbox and type=radio
This attribute is required with type=checkbox, type=hidden, type=password, type=text, and type=radio
This attribute is required with type=checkbox and type=radio
Image Tags
The following image tag is supported:
<img>—Defines an image
The microbrowser supports images stored in uncompressed .bmp or in .jpg format.
While all BMP bit depths will be displayed to the best of the phone’s ability, Polycom recommends
the image format most suitable for the target platform be chosen. For example:
The SoundPoint IP 601 LCD supports four levels of grey, so a 16-color BMP format would be
most appropriate.
The SoundPoint IP 670 LCD supports 12-bit color.
JPEG images are not supported on SoundPoint IP/SoundStation IP phones except for
321/331/335, 450, 550, 560, 650, and 670 desktop phones; SoundStation IP 5000, 6000, and 7000
conference phones; and SoundStation Duo conference phones.