The following procedures explain the use of the APD and IDENTIFY software to analyze
collected data. Patterns must be treated using the APD software prior to identification
using the IDENTIFY sofware.
1. Choose APD from X-MENU and from the main menu select PATTERN TREATMENT
2. Choose ALPHA 2 STRIPPING (A). The patterns contained in the ICDD do not
contain alpha 2 peaks, so in order to achieve the most accurate match these
peaks should be removed from the collected data. If you do not want to remove
the alpha 2 peaks from the collected data then proceed to step 6.
3. Enter the name of the raw data file to be analyzed in the lower right hand corner.
Press F5 to see a list opf available files if necessary.
NOTE: If the file you expect is ‘not found’ return to the SYSTEM PARAMETERS screen (esc twise
then S twice) and verify that the data directory listed is the one where the data is stored. If this is
not the case, enter the appropriate directory.
4. In the lower right portion of the screen there is a parameter titled ‘weights and
levers’ this should be set to 3 (use the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ key).
5. Press F1 to start the alpha 2 stripping. A file with the same name as the raw data
file but with an A2 extension has now been created and saved.
6. Return to the PATTERN TREATMENT menu (press esc).
7. Choose PEAK SEARCH (P).
8. Enter the name of the file the peak search will be performed on using the
extension RD to specify a raw data file or A2 to specify an alpha 2 stripped file.
9. Set up the peak search parameters. See Figure 1 for standard settings.
10. Press F1 to begin the peak search.
11. If the peak positions and intensities are satisfactory proceed to step 21. If a few
peaks are misplaced with respect to position and/or intensity proceed to step 16.
If there are too many or too few peaks present continue with step 12.
12. Press escape (ESC) to return to the peak parameters.