17. Enter the name of the DI file (this file was created when the peak search was
performed and has the same name as the raw data file but a DI extension) to be
18. Press F1 to edit the lines.
19. Peaks can be added, deleted or moved. To add a peak press F4 for insert and
then F8 for graphical mode. Then, position the cursor on the tip of the peak to be
added and press F1 to accept the peak position. To delete a peak, use the F1 and
F2 keys to page through the listing of peaks. Then use the arrow keys to highlight
the 2 theta value of the peak to be deleted. Press F3 to delete the peak. To move
a peak, highlight it in the list and choose F8 for graphics mode. Position the
cursor on the peak tip and select F1 to accept the new position.
20. Press ESC twice to return to the main menu.
21. Exit PC-APD and X-MENU
22. Double click the PC-IDENTIFY icon within the XRAY folder to open PC-IDENTIFY.
You will be prompted with the PC-IDENTIFY introduction screen (Figure 2). Press
any key.
Figure 2. PC-IDENTIFY introduction screen.