7. Monitoring and Troubleshooting
May 2002 8700-A2-GB20-40
Device Messages
The Device Messages in Ta bl e 7- 4, listed in alphabetical order, may appear in the
messages area at the bottom of the ATI screens.
Table 7-4. Device Messages (1 of 2)
Device Message What Message Indicates What To Do is an invalid
IP address
An IP address of all zeros
was entered.
Enter a valid, non-zero IP
Access level is
Configuration is
The operator requested that
configuration options be
loaded, but does not have
authority to edit them.
If configuration options are to be
edited, use a Login ID that has
Administrator authority.
Cannot Save – no
Login IDs with Access
All of the login IDs being
saved have an access level
below Administrator.
Change the access level of at
least one Login ID to
Administrator so that
configuration changes can be
made. (Operator-level users
cannot make configuration
changes.) Save the Login IDs.
Command Complete Action requested has
successfully completed.
No action is needed.
Invalid Character (
) A nonprintable ASCII
character (
) has been
Re-enter information using valid
Invalid Password Login is required and an
incorrect password was
entered; access is denied.
Try again.
Contact your system
administrator to verify your
Invalid – Send Pattern
Already Active
A pattern test was already in
progress when the Start field
was selected.
Allow test to continue.
Select another test.
Stop the test.
Invalid –
The described test was
already in progress when
another selection was made.
Allow test to continue.
Select another test.
Stop the test.
Invalid Test
A loopback or pattern test
was in progress when Start
was selected to start another
test, or was active on the
same or another interface
when Start was selected.
Wait until other test ends and
message clears.
Abort all tests from the Test
menu screen.
Stop the test from the same
screen the test was started
IP address not in
MCC subnet
The Peer IP address
specified is not in the same
subnet as the MCC.
Enter an IP address that is in
the same subnet as the MCC.