• When connecting multiple KX-TDA0158 CSs to a DHLC/DLC card, make sure that the no. 3, 4, 5 and
6 pins (Master) of adjacent CSs are at least 2 pairs of pins away on the card.
• For details about DHLC card or DLC card, refer to "2.5.2 DHLC8 Card (KX-TDA0170
", "2.5.3 DLC8 Card (KX-TDA0171)", or "2.5.4 DLC16 Card (KX-TDA0172)".
• The Local Processor (LPR) software of the DHLC/DLC card used must be version 5.000 or later. If
necessary, upgrade the LPR software of the DHLC/DLC card. To confirm the LPR software version of
the card, refer to "3.2 [1-1] Slot—Summary" in the PC Programming Manual.
• CS connections must be made within the same DHLC/DLC card.
• When a wrong connection is made, satisfactory performance of the CS cannot be guaranteed. Check
the connection of CS and the PBX using the Maintenance Console. For information about how to view
CS information using the Maintenance Console, refer to "2.6.14 Utility—CS Information" in the PC
Programming Manual.
Connecting the CS
1. Connect the cable from the PBX to the CS.
2. Pass the cable through the groove of the CS (in any direction depending on your preference).
Installation Manual 231
2.10.7 Connecting a Cell Station to the PBX