Apple Macintosh> 86
Macintosh OS–X
The built in network interface card is also supported in the
Macintosh OS–X environment.
Run the installer on the driver CD to install the printer’s PPD file.
In OS–X you need to make sure that AppleTalk is turned on in
order to connect to an AppleTalk printer.
1. To switch AppleTalk on, open [System Preferences], click
[Network] then click [AppleTalk].
2. Check the [Make AppleTalk Active] check box and if your
network uses AppleTalk Zones, enter the appropriate zone
information and click [Apply Now].
In Mac OS–X use the Print
Centre to select network
printers, not the Chooser.
Before you can use a printer
it must appear in the printer
list in Print Centre.
3. Click on [Add Printer], make sure that the connection
method is LPR and assign its IP address.
4. Either assign a queue name or check to use the default
queue on server checkbox.
5. Under Printer Model select from the list the PPD file that
you installed earlier for the printer and click [Add].
These are all the steps that are necessary to setup the printer for
network printing in Macintosh OS–X.