Network Configuration> 34
The printer can be configured using TELNET. TELNET requires the
printer to have a valid IP address configured. If the printer
already has an IP address configured, skip steps one to three
The following explanation uses Sun Solaris 2.4 as an example.
The method of configuring commands may differ between
workstations. Refer to the workstation’s manual.
1. Log in as [root].
If you do not have Superuser rights, the network manager
should run the configuration.
2. Set a temporary IP Address on the NIC using the ARP
Example: for IP address and network card
address 00:80:87:01:00:D2
# arp –s 00:80:87:01:00:D2 temp
The Ethernet address (MAC address) is displayed during
the self-diagnostic test. A temporary address does not
need to be set if an IP address has already been set.
3. Use the PING command to confirm the connection with
the network card.
Example: for IP address
# ping
If there is no reply, there is a problem with the
configuration of the IP address (the IP address has been
already set manually or dynamically), or with the network.
Reset the network interface card settings to default and try
to set temporary IP address. If you still have the problem
after resetting the network interface card, consult the
network manager.
Please ensure a valid IP address for your network
environment is used. Use of an incorrect IP address can
cause serious problems on your network.