
Chapter 7: Maintenance | 231
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
while the other image stores a second copy. The device boots and runs from the
active image. If the active image is corrupt, the system automatically boots from the
non-active image. This is a safety feature for faults occurring during the boot upgrade
Text Configuration: A text-based configuration file enables you to edit a configured
text file (startup-config) offline as needed without having to translate the contents for
the switch to understand. The most common usage of text-based configuration is to
upload a working configuration from a device, edit it offline to personalize it for
another similar device (for example, change the device name, serial number, IP
address), and download it to that device.
Boot Code: The boot code used to automatically boot the system.
SSL Trusted Root Certificate PEM File: SSL Trusted Root Certificate File (PEM
SSL Server Certificate PEM File: SSL Server Certificate File (PEM Encoded).
SSL DH Weak Encryption Parameter PEM File: SSL Diffie-Hellman Weak
Encryption Parameter File (PEM Encoded).
SSL DH Strong Encryption Parameter PEM File: SSL Diffie-Hellman Strong
Encryption Parameter File (PEM Encoded).
2. If you are downloading an GS716T or GS724T image (Code), select the image on the
switch to overwrite. This field is visible only when Code is selected as the File Type.
Note: It is recommended that you not overwrite the active image. The
system will display a warning that you are trying to overwrite the
active image.
3. From the Server Address Type filed, specify the format for the address you type in the
TFTP Server Address field
IPv4. Indicates the TFTP server address is an IP address in dotted-decimal format.
DNS. Indicates the TFTP server address is a hostname.
4. In the Server Address field, specify the IP address or hostname of the TFTP server. The
address you type must be in the format indicated by the TFTP Server Address Type.
5. In the Transfer File Path field, specify the path on the TFTP server where the file is located.
You may enter up to 32 characters. Include the backslash at the end of the path. A path
name with a space is not accepted. Leave this field blank to save the file to the root TFTP
6. In the Remote File Name field, specify the name of the file to download from the TFTP
server. You may enter up to 32 characters. A file name with a space is not accepted.
7. Select the Start File Transfer check box to initiate the file upload.
8. Click Apply to begin the file transfer.
The last row of the table displays information about the progress of the file transfer. The
page refreshes automatically until the file transfer completes or fails.