
Chapter 3: Configuring Switching Information | 107
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
Click Refresh to update the screen with the latest MST information.
STP Statistics
Use the Spanning Tree Statistics page to view information about the number and type of
bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) transmitted and received on each port.
To display the Spanning Tree Statistics page, click Switching STP Advanced STP
Port Mode Spanning Tree Protocol Administrative Mode associated with the port or port
channel. Possible values are Enable or Disable.
Port Forwarding State Indicates the current STP state of a port. If enabled, the port state
determines what forwarding action is taken on traffic. Possible port states
Disabled: STP is currently disabled on the port. The port forwards traffic
while learning MAC addresses.
Blocking: The port is currently blocked and cannot be used to forward
traffic or learn MAC addresses.
Listening: The port is currently in the listening mode. The port cannot
forward traffic nor can it learn MAC addresses.
Learning: The port is currently in the learning mode. The port cannot
forward traffic, however, it can learn new MAC addresses.
Forwarding: The port is currently in the forwarding mode. The port
can forward traffic and learn new MAC addresses
Port Role Each MST Bridge Port that is enabled is assigned a Port Role for each
spanning tree. The port role will be one of the following values: Root Port,
Designated Port, Alternate Port, Backup Port, Master Port, or Disabled
Designated Root Root Bridge for the selected MST instance. It is made up using the bridge
priority and the base MAC address of the bridge.
Designated Cost Displays cost of the port participating in the STP topology. Ports with a lower
cost are less likely to be blocked if STP detects loops.
Designated Bridge Bridge Identifier of the bridge with the Designated Port. It is made up using
the bridge priority and the base MAC address of the bridge.
Designated Port Port Identifier on the Designated Bridge that offers the lowest cost to the
LAN. It is made up from the port priority and the interface number of the port.
Field Description