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CCR Heliox High-SetpointCCR Heliox High-Setpoint
CCR Heliox High-SetpointCCR Heliox High-Setpoint
CCR Heliox High-Setpoint
Classic Deep StopsClassic Deep Stops
Classic Deep StopsClassic Deep Stops
Classic Deep Stops
Gas Shift to Offboard OxygenGas Shift to Offboard Oxygen
Gas Shift to Offboard OxygenGas Shift to Offboard Oxygen
Gas Shift to Offboard Oxygen
Classic Air Breaks (on CCR)Classic Air Breaks (on CCR)
Classic Air Breaks (on CCR)Classic Air Breaks (on CCR)
Classic Air Breaks (on CCR)
Illustrated in stop time.Illustrated in stop time.
Illustrated in stop time.Illustrated in stop time.
Illustrated in stop time.
NAUTILUS will allow the use of multiple off-board
decompression gases and allow the user to create “what
if” scenarios, illustrating bail outs with off-board gases as
well. The user needs to set up a gas portfolio under the
GAS SETUP tab to have access to those gases.
Another feature of NAUTILUS is its ability to allow the
user to conduct repetitive dives (next section) moving
from CCR to OC seamlessley. It is not uncommon for
the dive professional to conduct one dive using CCR and
then complete another dive with OC scuba. NAUTILUS
will help the user create these special schedules. All the
user needs to do is to create the gas portfolio for BOTH
dives in the initial setup.
Creating multi level dives with CCR is no different than
when they are created with OC modes of diving. Simply
select each level desired and press the DIVE button until
the dive is completed then press DECO with the desired
decompression Setpoint or off board gases as discussed
In the classic book 20,000 Leagues Under
the Sea. Captain Nemo’s “Nautilus”
submarine had a library that held more
than 12,000 books.