Conservatism Slider: increase decompression time over
the base algorithm from 0-90
Deep Stops: Choose from No-Deep Stops, “Pyle
Stops,” or Custom Rule Stops. Pyle Stops inserts a 2
minute stop 1/2 way between the maximum depth of the
dive and the first required stop. Then, 1/2 way again
between that stop and the required stop and then 1/2 way
again until the required stop is reached. NAUTILUS
credits at the shallow stops when it can for these deep
Altitude: Set the Starting Altitude of the dive in msl
(mean sea level) and set the Post-Dive altitude. Starting
Altitude is where the dive will be conducted from. Post
Dive Altitude is where the diver will ascend to, after the
dive is completed. This can be used where there is a
mountain range the diver must cross after the dive or a
non-pressurized cabin plane.
Deco Prefs:
Max PO2 on deco: Set the maximum PO2
desired for the MOD of the decompression gases to be
used. Note that if 1.6 atm PO2 is desired the slider must
be set at 1.61 atm PO2, otherwise, the gas will not be
enabled at the 1.6 atm level. This applies to other levels
as well. For 1.4 atm PO2 set it at 1.41.
Shallowest Deco Stop: Set the shallowest stop
desired using the slider. Nautilus will calculate the
decompression to that depth.
Avoid Stops at: This is a great option to help
avoid stops in areas where it may not be feasible to do a
stop due to sea conditions or topographical conditions.
Chose from 4 preset depths or enter a specific depth.
Deco Stop Intervals: Set the interval between
stops. (3, 5, 10, 15 fsw.) Smaller intervals make a
smoother decompression shape.
SAVE: This button will save the preferences set until they
are reset by the user. Upon opening NAUTILUS these
preferences are enabled and table generation can begin.
RESET: Press this button to reset all the preferences to
the standard defaults.
Imperial (FSW)
Stop Time
Open Circuit SAC .75 cu ft
Classic Air Breaks
16-Compartment Buhlman
15 Conservatism
No Deep Stop
Sea Level
1.61 atm PO2 for Decompression Gas
Shallowest stop at 10 fsw
NAUTILUS assumes instantaneous descent. Meaning
that bottom time is calculated at the maximum depth
immediatley from the time the diver leaves the surface.
Users are to follow the ascent rate indicators of their
bottom timing devices or dive computers. The ascent rate
to the first stop should be at a rate of 60 fsw / min (20
msw/Min.) Thereafter, 30 fsw / min (10msw/min).