Software Installation
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual 3-15
2. Select a COM number for the port from the Port Number pull-down list.
3. Check the Auto Enumerating COM Number check-box to have subsequent ports
mapped to continuous COM numbers. For example, if COM 3 is assigned to Port 1,
then COM 4 will be automatically assigned to Port 2.
4. Select an Rx FIFO Trigger from the Rx FIFO Trigger pull-down list. Rx FIFO trigger
levels from 1 to 62 bytes are available, with a default value of 56 bytes. Check Set the
change to all ports check-box to apply the just defined Rx FIFO Trigger to all ports.
5. Select a Tx FIFO Size from the Tx FIFO Size pull-down list. Tx FIFO sizes from 1 to
64 bytes are available, with a default value of 64 bytes. Check Set the change to all
ports check-box to apply the just defined Tx FIFO Size to all ports.
6. Click [OK] in the Port X dialog box to confirm the port settings, and then click [OK]
in the Property dialog box to complete the port settings.