
Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual
Installing the Driver
First Time Driver Installation
The following procedure shows how to install the Smartio CP-104UL driver for the first
time. First make sure the board or boards are already plugged into the system’s PCI slot(s).
1. Log into NT as Administrator.
2. Open the [Control Panel], click the [Network] icon, and then select the [Adapters]
3. Click the [Add] button, and then the [Have Disk...] button in the [Select Network
Adapter] dialog box.
4. Specify the exact path of the driver diskette, E:Software\WinNT\V5.7\Windows.nt in
the example shown here, and then click [OK] to proceed.
5. Select MOXA Smartio/Industio Family multiport board in Select OEM Option
dialog box, and then click [OK] to start installing the driver.