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5.4 Highlighting Safety Devices
Admin. Develop. Users
5.4.1 Safety devices
(1) Safety device in CC-Link safety
The safety device designates the refresh device of the remote I/O in safety
remote station.
The refresh device ranges for the number of occupied station in safety remote
station (occupies 32 points/station) is used for safety devices.
(Example) When the safety remote stations occupy one station are connected
The ranges indicated in
are highlighted as safety devices.
The following device ranges that are not input/output to the safety remote
I/O stations are also used as safety devices.
Station No.1: X110 to X11F, Y100 to Y11F
Station No.3: X140 to X15F, Y150 to Y15F
Y0F to Y00
RX0F to RX00
RX1F to RX10
RX2F to RX20
RX3F to RX30
RX4F to RX40
RX5F to RX50
RX6F to RX60
RX7F to RX70
X10F to X100
X11F to X110
X12F to X120
X13F to X130
X14F to X140
X15F to X150
X16F to X160
X17F to X170
RY0F to RY00
RY1F to RY10
RY2F to RY20
RY3F to RY30
RY4F to RY40
RY5F to RY50
RY6F to RY60
RY7F to RY70
Y10F to Y100
Y11F to Y110
Y12F to Y120
Y13F to Y130
Y14F to Y140
Y15F to Y150
Y16F to Y160
Y17F to Y170
X0F to X00
Safety CPU module Safety master station
Station No.1
Station No.1 Safety remote I/O station (Input)
Station No.2 Standard remote I/O station (Input)
Station No.3 Safety remote I/O station (Output)
X0F to X00
Station No.2
Station No.3
Station No.1
Station No.2
Station No.3
• The labels assigned to refresh devices are also used as safety devices.
• Refresh devices can be set in the "CC-Link" of "Network parameter".