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This manual explains the added and updated GX Developer functions to support a
safety programmable controller.
Be sure to read this manual before using a safety programmable controller.
For any unchanged functions, refer to the GX Developer Version 8 Operating Manual.
1.1 Features
The following shows the features of the GX Developer supporting a safety
programmable controller.
(1) Security functions
The main feature of the GX Developer is that only the defined users can edit
project data and operate a safety programmable controller.
The following shows the functions for protecting data and restricting operations.
(a) User registration and login certification (
Section 1.1.1 and 1.1.2)
(b) CPU access password (
Section 1.1.3)
(c) Safety CPU operation mode (
Section 1.1.4)
(d) Operation lock (
Section 1.1.5)
(2) Improvement in project data reliability
If the project data saved in a PC have been damaged, the damage is detected
when opening the data.
(3) Improvement of reliability in communications with a safety CPU
The function for detecting a transmission error in communications with a safety
CPU is enhanced.
(4) Efficiency in the creation and maintenance of a user program
The efficiency for the creation and maintenance of a user program has been
increased by highlighting the safety I/O devices on a ladder.
Displayed with the set color by a user.
(5) Display and save of operation/error logs
The operation/error logs saved in a safety CPU can be read and displayed.
They can also be saved in a CSV file.