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(3) TEST mode ON flag (M9075) ........……...................... Status signal
(a) This flag is used as judgement of during the test mode or not using a
Use it for an interlock, etc. at the starting of the servo program using the
Motion SFC program.
• OFF ......... Except the test mode
• ON ......... During the test mode
(b) If the test mode request is executed in the test mode request from the
peripheral device, the TEST mode request error flag (M9078) turns on.
(4) External forced stop input flag (M9076) ....…………… Status signal
This flag checks the external forced stop input signal ON/OFF.
• OFF ........ During the external forced stop input on
• ON ........ During the external forced stop input off
(1) If the forced stop signal is input during positioning, the feed current value is
advanced within the rapid stop deceleration time set in the parameter block. At
the same time, the servo OFF state is established because the all axes servo
ON command (M2042) turns off.
When the rapid stop deceleration time has elapsed after input of the forced stop
signal, the feed current value returns to the value at the point when the
emergency stop was initiated.
(2) If the forced stop is reset before the emergency stop deceleration time has
elapsed, a servo error occurs.
(5) Manual pulse generator axis setting error flag (M9077)
.………...... Status signal
(a) This flag is use as judgement of normal or abnormal setting of the manual
pulse generator axis No. setting registers (D714 to D719).
• OFF ......... D714 to D719 is normal
• ON ......... D714 to D719 is abnormal
(b) When M9077 turns on, the error contents are stored in the manual pulse
generator axis setting error information (D9185 to D9187).
(6) TEST mode request error flag (M9078) ..........………. Status signal
(a) This flag turns on when the test mode is not executed in the test mode
request using a peripheral device.
(b) When M9078 turns on, the error contents are stored in the test mode
request error information (D9182, D9183).
(7) Servo program setting error flag (M9079) ...........…... Status signal
This flag is used as judgement of normal or abnormal for the servo program
positioning data.
• OFF ...... Normal
• ON ...... Abnormal