APP - 51
APPENDIX 4 Setting Range for Indirect Setting Devices
Positioning address, command speed or M-code, etc. (excluding the axis No.) set in
the servo program can be set indirectly by the word.
(1) Device range
The number of device words and device range at indirect setting are shown
Number of
device words
Device setting range Remarks
Address (travel value) 2
Command speed 2
Dwell time 1 Device Range
M-code 1 D 800 to 8191
Torque limit value 1 W 0000 to 1FFF
Parameter block No. 1 # 0000 to 7999
Auxiliary point 2
Radius 2
Central point 2
Pitch 1
Control unit 1
Speed limit value 2
Acceleration time 1
Deceleration time 1
Rapid stop deceleration time 1
Torque limit value 1
STOP input deceleration processing
Circular interpolation error allowance range 2
Parameter block
S-curve ratio 1
Program No. 1 Simultaneous start
Command speed (Constant speed) 2
FIN acceleration/deceleration 1
Fixed position stop
acceleration/deceleration time
Repetition condition (Number of repetitions) 1
Repetition condition (ON/OFF)
Device Range
Skip X 0000 to 1FFF
WAIT ON/OFF Y 0000 to 1FFF
Fixed position stop M/L 0 to 8191
Special relay 9000 to 9255
B 0000 to 1FFF
F 0 to 2047
(Note): Synchronous encoder axis area cannot be set.
Be sure to set even-numbered devices for 2-word setting items.
Be sure to set as 32-bit integer type when the data is set in these devices using the
Motion SFC programs. (Example : #0L, D0L)