Rack, baking tray, side runners
The rack, baking tray and side runners
should be washed by hand using a so
lution of hot water and washing up liq
uid and dried after each use.
To remove stubborn soiling
from stainless steel:
use a proprietary stainless steel
from enamelled surfaces:
Soak in a solution of hot water and a
little washing up liquid and clean off
using a soft nylon brush or sponge.
Glass tray
The glass tray can be washed by hand
using a solution of hot water and wash-
ing up liquid or in a dishwasher.
Do not use abrasive cleaning agents.
Ceramic splash guard
The ceramic splash guard can be
washed by hand using a solution of hot
water and washing up liquid or in a
It should be cleaned after each use.
An oven spray may be used for particu
larly stubborn soiling. Soiling may
cause slight discolouration of the
splash guard.
Cleaning and care