
Common Uses
Director/Wireless-N Music Player with Integrated Amplifier
Wireless Home Audio
Modify or type in a new directory in the 2. Local Media
Directory field by typing in the entire path such as
C:\Documents and Settings\username\My
Documents\My Music;
Additional directories are separated by a semicolon. If
you want to change the name that appears on your
network, you can modify the UPnP Friendly Name.
Click OK after all updates are complete.
Right-click on the 3. Cisco Media Server icon on the
taskbar and select Stop.
Once the Cisco Media Server has stopped and the icon 4.
has turned gray, right-click on the Cisco Media Server
icon and select Start to start the server again.
The additional music should now be accessible from your
media library.
Using the Cisco Media Player
The Cisco Media Player allows you to control your Wireless
Home Audio devices from a computer. You can play music
to individual zones, link zones, add songs to the queue
and control the volume.
To launch the Cisco Media Player software, go to Start >
Programs > Cisco Media Center > Cisco Media Player.
The Media Player Interface contains several regions used
for navigation, selection, and control of your Wireless
Home Audio devices and libraries.
Options Zones
Media Sources
Menu &
Zones are displayed on the left side of the interface. A zone
is selected when it is highlighted with a cyan border (as
shown in the following image). The zone window displays
playback controls, album art, a track progress bar, and the
Queue, Play To, and Analog In tabs.