Connecting Accessories
Director/Wireless-N Music Player with Integrated Amplifier
Wireless Home Audio
Docking Station for iPod
The optional Docking Station for iPodĀ® (MCCI40) lets you
connect your iPod to the Director or Conductor and play
your iTunes music throughout your home. To connect your
Docking Station for iPod, perform the following steps:
Press and hold the gray tabs of the docking station 1.
Insert the connector into the port labeled iPod Connector 2.
on the back panel of the Director or Conductor.
Once the connector has been completely inserted,
release the gray tabs.
Insert the appropriate dock adapter into the dock 3.
NOTE: The Docking Station comes with two
dock adapters. If your iPod came with a dock
adapter, it is recommended that you use the
one that came with your iPod.
Connect your iPod to the docking station. 4.
The iPod will display the Linksys by Cisco logo on the
The docking station should be placed next to your 5.
Director or Conductor to complete the installation.
For details on accessing your iPod within the Director,
please refer to USB Media, page 32.
Existing Stereo Equipment
Your Director is equipped with several output options. You
can connect the RCA outputs from the Director to your
existing stereo system or to powered speakers. You can
also connect the RCA outputs from your stereo system to
the RCA inputs of the Director.
You can connect external sources such as turntables,
stereo systems, and MP3 players by connecting them
using the RCA cables. Connect the RCA outputs (red and
white) from the external source to RCA inputs on the back
of your Director. This will allow you to play the sound from
the external source to all the Wireless Home Audio devices
in your house.