Typical System Installation
(see also Typical Setup Flow Charts on the previous pages)
1. If not already done (see setup information on page 8):
• Conrm that the installation environment meets the >17 dB specification for the
OAT100R RF input signal-to-noise ratio.
• Measure the signal level at each of the antenna RF inputs. For proper system
performance, the signal level at each antenna input must be between +3 dBm (+52 dBmV)
and -83 dBm (-34 dBmV). A nominal value of -53 dBm (-4 dBmV) is recommended.
2. Connect a 75 ohm RG-6 or larger coaxial cable from the terrestrial antenna distribution
system to each RF IN port to be used on the OAT100R rear panel. Up to eight OAT100R
RF tuners may be connected for RF 256-QAM output or IP output; up to four OAT100R RF
tuners may be connected for RF 64-QAM output.
3. To enable remote management, connect one end of a CAT5 RJ-45 Ethernet cable to the
Control Port on the OAT100R rear panel, and connect the other end of the cable to the
institution’s network.
Caution: The subnet 192.168.0.x is reserved for internal communication and
cannot be used for the Control Port network subnet. This is the only restriction;
for example, you can use 192.168.1.x, 10.x.x.x, etc. Contact your service
representative for further information.
4. Connect the OAT100R power supply to the POWER connector on the OAT100R rear panel.
Then, plug the AC power cord into a powered AC line receptacle. When power is applied, the
PWR (Power) LED on the OAT100R front panel will initially flash red and then turn green.
The boot-up process for the OAT100R may take up to two minutes. When boot-up is
complete, the STATUS LED on the OAT100R front panel will light continuously green.
5. Once the STATUS LED is lit continuously (no longer blinking), use the FTDI TTL-232R-5V-AJ
cable to connect a PC to the Service Port on the OAT100R front panel.
6. Using HyperTerminal or an equivalent terminal emulation program on the PC, congure the
serial port as follows: Bits per second/baud = 115200; Data bits = 8; Parity = None; Stop
bits = 1; Flow Control = None
Once the connection is established, you should see a login prompt. If the login prompt is
not automatically displayed, press Enter to refresh the screen.
7. At the
login as:
prompt, type admin and press Enter. Then, at the
type Password4Partners (case-sensitive) and press Enter.
Note: After the system setup is complete, it is highly recommended that you
change the admin user password from its default value. See “Change the Login
Password” on page 62 for further information.
System Setup (Cont.)
(Continued on next page)