Basic printing for Macintosh
Basic printing for Macintosh
Sheets of custom
size paper
Page Setup From the Paper Size pop-up menu, select Edit
Custom Paper Sizes and enter the dimensions
for your custom paper size.
Iron-On transfers Print On the Paper Type/Quality pane, select Iron-
On Transfer for the Paper Type.
Note: To ensure that the iron-on transfer
will print correctly, you may want to print
on plain paper before printing on an iron-
on transfer.
Banner paper Page Setup From the Paper Size pop-up menu, select Ban-
ner (Letter) or Banner (A4).
Transparencies Print On the Paper Type/Quality pane, select Trans-
parency for the Paper Type and Normal (600
dpi) for the Print Quality.
Note: When printing transparencies,
remove each transparency as it exits the
printer and allow it to dry before stacking.
Photo or glossy
On the Paper Type/Quality pane, select
Glossy/Photo Paper for the Paper Type.
Select High (1200 dpi) for the Print Quality.
On the Color pane, select Built-In Color
From the Document Color pop-up menu,
select Natural Color.
Notes: If you are using two cartridges, you
can print quality photos with the black and
color cartridge combination. However, for
the best possible photo quality, replace the
black cartridge, Lexmark part number
17G0050, with a photo cartridge, Lexmark
part number 12A1990. For help, see
page 17.
When printing photos, remove each photo
as it exits the printer and allow it to dry
before stacking.
When you are
printing on:
Open this
dialog box:
To make these selections: