288Appendix - COR/APO Logic (TN5250e): Details
is assumed that no STO commands are present in the data stream
from the system. The STO commands always take priority over the
automatic controls of the printer.
Details The following points refer to the flowchart in the end of this appen-
1 The calculation of the page format is based on information
found in the FCB.
These two measures are compared with values set in the
PAGLNG and PAGWDT option settings. Refer to section “Page
Length (IDB Opt. 82 & 83)” on page 240 and to section “Page
Width (IDB Opt.84 & 85)” on page 242, which together
specify the maximum valid page size.
Use an A4 page format as valid page.
page width (inches)
characters per line
characters per inch (pitch)
page length
line per page
lines per inch (LPI)