110Operations - TN3270E SETUP: MISC SETTINGS > CSC Characters (IDB Options 8 & 9)
CSC Characters
(IDB Options 8 &
This SCS Options > MISC Settings option defines the Command
String Characters (CSC). The CSC is a unique two-character
sequence, which opens the internal IDB editor in the SCS/TNe
Emulation. It must be used every time IDB commands are sent to
the SCS/TNe Emulation. The CSC is also used in front of the Lead-
in characters defined with option 171 and 172. Last of all the CSC is
also used for passing single hex values to the printer, e.g. &%1B =
The IDB option values are ASCII characters in the decimal range 33
- 126. Refer to “Appendix B - ASCII Character Table” on page 282
for a complete list of characters and their values.
Several options are set at the same time in the
IDB command line to the right. This is done by
writing the number of the first option and
separating the values for the preceding options
with commas.
Advanced IDB language to set factory default:
Option Value IDB Values
&% * 38 [ampersand (&)]
37 [percent (%)]