Connecting the printer to a wireless network using the Embedded Web Server
Before you begin, make sure that:
• Your printer is connected temporarily to an Ethernet network.
• A wireless network adapter is installed in your printer and working properly. For more information, see the
instruction sheet that came with the wireless network adapter.
1 Open a Web browser, and then type the printer IP address in the address field.
• View the printer IP address on the printer control panel. The IP address appears as four sets of numbers
separated by periods, such as
• If you are using a proxy server, then temporarily disable it to load the Web page correctly.
2 Click Settings > Network/Ports > Wireless.
3 Modify the settings to match the settings of your access point (wireless router).
Note: Make sure to enter the correct SSID, security method, preshared key or passphrase, network mode, and
4 Click Submit.
5 Turn off the printer, and then disconnect the Ethernet cable. Then wait for at least five seconds, and then turn the
printer back on.
6 To verify if your printer is connected to the network, print a network setup page. Then in the Network Card [x]
section, see if the status is Connected.
Verifying printer setup
When all hardware and software options are installed and the printer is turned on, verify that the printer is set up
correctly by printing the following:
• Menu settings page—Use this page to verify that all printer options are installed correctly. If an option you installed
is not listed, then it is not installed correctly. Remove the option, and then install it again.
• Network setup page—If your printer has networking support, then use this page to verify that the network
connection is working. This page also provides important information that aids network printing configuration.
Printing a menu settings page
Print a menu settings page to view the current menu settings and to verify if the printer options are installed correctly.
From the printer control panel, navigate to:
> Settings > Reports > > Menu Settings Page >
Note: If you have not changed any menu settings, then the menu settings page lists all the factory default settings.
Settings saved from the menus replace the factory default settings as user default settings. A user default setting
remains in effect until you access the menu again, select another value, and save it.
Additional printer setup 31