Use To
Allow Background Removal
Specify whether image background removal is allowed in copy,
e‑mail, or FTP jobs.
Note: On is the factory default setting. The background of the
image will be removed.
Scanner Jam Recovery
Job Level
Page Level
Specify how a scan job should be reloaded if a paper jam occurs in
the ADF.
Note: Job Level is the factory default setting.
Alarm Control
Cartridge Alarm
Set an alarm when the printer requires operator intervention.
When activated, Alarm Control lets you set the number of times
that the alarm sounds, while Cartridge Alarm lets you stop printing
when a cartridge‑low condition occurs.
For each alarm type, select from the following options:
• Off
• Single
• Continuous
• Single is the factory default setting for Alarm Control. This
sounds three quick beeps.
• Off is the factory default setting for Cartridge Alarm. This
means no alarm will sound.
• Continuous repeats three beeps every 10 seconds.
Sleep Mode
1–60 min
Set the amount of time the printer waits after a job is printed before
it goes into a reduced power state.
• “30 min” is the factory default setting.
• Disabled appears only when Energy Conserve is set to Off.
• Lower settings conserve more energy, but may require
longer warm‑up times.
• Select a high setting if the printer is in constant use. Under
most circumstances, this keeps the printer ready to print
with minimum warm‑up time.
Hibernate Timeout
1–3 hours
6 hours
1–3 days
1–2 weeks
1 month
Set the printer to operate at a low power state.
• Disabled is the factory default setting for Class A and Class B
printers except in European Union countries, Canada, and
• “3 days” is the factory default setting for Class B printers in
all European Union countries and Switzerland.
Screen Timeout
15–300 sec
Set the amount of time in seconds the printer waits before
returning the display to the Ready state.
Note: “30 sec” is the factory default setting.
Understanding the printer menus 102