
Disabling Job Buffering
When you disable job buffering, it takes effect immediately on the port you disabled.
A POR is automatically performed when job buffering is disabled for any port from the
printer operator panel or through MarkVision Professional, so the unused memory
resources can be reallocated. When buffering is disabled on a port, any jobs on the
disk are printed before normal processing of incoming jobs continues.
To delete or resize a job buffer partition, first delete or print all jobs. Then, disable job
buffering on all ports. Finally, delete or resize the job buffer partition.
Recovering from a Power Loss
If the printer loses power, the job being spooled to the disk may be lost. Jobs already
stored on the disk remain intact. When power is restored, you are asked if you want
to print the jobs held in the buffer. See your printer documentation for information on
how to cancel the jobs or print the jobs held in the buffer.
Jobs that were partially printed during the loss of power are printed again in their
entirety when power is restored.