
Auto-Continuable Conditions
These status messages are returned independent of the state of the Auto Continue
menu item. Auto-continuable messages are returned in this form:
CODE=status code
DISPLAY=display string (in double quotes)
ONLINE=online status
To determine which messages your printer supports, see “Table B-10: PJL Messages
for Auto-Continuable Conditions” on page B-15.
Table 3-13: PJL Messages for Auto-Continuable Conditions
Printer State
Display String Online Status
Intervention required:
PPDS font error
30014 50 PPDS Font Error FALSE
Intervention required:
insufficient collation area
30016 37 Insufficient Collation Area FALSE
Intervention required:
insufficient defragment memory
30016 37 Insufficient Defrag Memory FALSE
Intervention required:
insufficient memory
30016 37 Insufficient Memory FALSE
Intervention required:
memory full
30016 38 Memory Full FALSE
Intervention required:
held jobs may not be restored
30016 Held Jobs May Not Be Restored FALSE
Intervention required:
configuration change
30016 57 Configuration Change FALSE
Intervention required:
complex page
30017 39 Complex Page FALSE
Intervention required:
standard serial error
30018 54 Standard Serial Error FALSE
Intervention required: serial option error 30018 54 Serial Option 1 Error FALSE
Intervention required:
parallel error
30018 54 Parallel Error FALSE
Intervention required:
network software error
30018 54 Std Network Software Error FALSE
Intervention required:
standard serial fax connection lost
30018 54 Std Ser Fax Connection Lost FALSE
Intervention required:
standard serial disabled
30018 56 Standard Serial Disabled FALSE
Note: The Display String is returned in the current language. A display string longer than one line shows only the first line of
the message.