250‑sheet drawer
installing 19
30.yy Invalid refill, change
cartridge 106
31.yy Replace defective or missing
cartridge 106
32.yy Cartridge part number
unsupported by device 106
32.yy Replace unsupported
cartridge 107
34 Short paper 107
35 Insufficient memory to support
Resource Save feature 107
37 Insufficient memory for Flash
Memory Defragment
operation 107
37 Insufficient memory to collate
job 107
38 Memory full 107
39 Complex page, some data may
not have printed 108
51 Defective flash detected 108
52 Not enough free space in flash
memory for resources 108
53 Unformatted flash detected 108
54 Standard network software
error 108
550‑sheet drawer
installing 19
56 Standard parallel port
disabled 109
56 Standard USB port disabled 108
58 Too many flash options
installed 109
58 Too many trays attached 109
59 Incompatible tray <x> 109
84 PC Kit life warning 109
84 Replace PC Kit 110
88 Cartridge is low 110
88.yy Replace cartridge 110
attaching cables 22
Ethernet 22
parallel 22
USB 22
calling Customer Support 126
canceling a job
from Macintosh 54
from Windows 54
canceling print jobs
from printer control panel 54
card stock
loading 36
tips 52
checking an unresponsive
printer 110
checking device status
on Embedded Web Server 89
checking virtual display
on Embedded Web Server 89
exterior of the printer 82
Close front door 105
printer 9
Configure MP menu 59
multiple printers 91
configuring supply notifications 90
conservation settings
Eco‑Mode 27
Power Saver 28
Quiet Mode 28
conserving supplies 26
contacting Customer Support 126
control panel, printer
factory defaults, restoring 91
custom paper type name
creating 42
Custom Type <x>
changing name 42
Custom Types menu 64
Default Source menu 57
directory list, printing 53
display troubleshooting
display is blank 110
display shows only diamonds 110
documents, printing
from Macintosh computer 49
from Windows 49
Eco‑Mode setting 27
Embedded Web Server 89
administrator settings 89
checking device status 89
copying settings to other
printers 91
does not open 125
networking settings 89
setting up e‑mail alerts 90
Embedded Web Server
Administrator's Guide 89
emission notices 128, 129, 132, 133
loading 36
tips 51
environmental settings 26
Eco‑Mode 27
Power Saver 28
Quiet Mode 28
Ethernet port 22
exterior of the printer
cleaning 82
notice of low supply level 90
notice of paper jam 90
notice of paper needed 90
notice that different paper is
needed 90
factory defaults, restoring
printer control panel menus 91
FCC notices 128, 132
information 7
publications 7
Web site 7
Finishing menu 74
firmware card
installing 18
flash memory card
installing 18