3. Put Effect Setting to Track
The page menu command “Put Effect Setting to Track”
places effect settings into a track as exclusive events.
As an example, we will use the preset template song “Acid
Jazz” to explain how to use the “Put Effect Setting to Track”
page menu command. In this example we will switch the
insert effect for Track 03: Elec.Piano from 023: Stereo Phaser
to 020: Stereo Flanger at the beginning of measure 9. We will
explain two ways in which you can do this: method 1) and
method 2).
This command works by inserting MIDI parameter
change system exclusive messages directly into a
sequencer track. Because this requires a number of mes-
sages to be read and processed, it can take a little time
for the effect to change. You may find it necessary to
“anticipate” where you want the effect change to take
place and insert the change slightly earlier. Also, notes
that are already sounding as the transition takes place
may not play smoothly.
Only effect type and effect parameter events can be
inserted. You must use realtime recording to record
effect on/off settings or bus settings.
1) Inserting effect settings at the beginning of the song
and at a specified measure
For the insert effect (IFX3) used by track 3, we will use 023:
Stereo Phaser for measures 1 through 8 (as specified by the
template song) and then switch to 020: Stereo Flanger for
measures 9 and following by using the page menu com-
mand “Put Effect Setting to Track” to insert MIDI parameter
change system exclusive messages.
1 Enter Sequencer mode, and use “Song Select” to choose
song S000.
2 Use the page menu command “Load Template Song” to
load Acid Jazz.
3 Use “Track Select” to select Track 03: Elec.Piano, and
record a performance as desired. (☞BG p.49 “Creating
the basic song – 1. Loading a template song and copying
preset patterns (drum phrases)”)
4 In Sequencer P8: Insert Effect, choose page menu com-
mand “Put Effect Setting to Track” to open the dialog
5 Specify the effect for which you will insert an exclusive
message, and specify the location at which it will be
“Effect”: IFX3
To: “Song”: 000
“Track”: 03
“Measure”: 001
“Beat.Tick”: 01.000
6 Press the OK button.
7 Specify the effect that you will use for measure 9 and the
measures that follow. In the Sequencer P8: Insert Effect,
Insert FX page, set IFX3 to 020: Stereo Flanger.
8 In the Sequencer P8: Insert Effect, IFX3 page, set the
parameters as desired.
9 In the Sequencer P8: Insert effect, Insert FX page, choose
the page menu command “Put Effect Setting to Track”
to open the dialog box.
0 Specify the effect for which you will insert an exclusive
message, and specify the location at which it will be
“Effect”: IFX3
To: “Song”: 000
“Track”: 03
“Measure”: 009
“Beat.Tick”: 01.000
A Press the OK button. Now you can play back the song to
listen to the effects change at the places in the song (mea-
sure 9 in this example) where you put an effect to a track.
B Using the [COMPARE] key, you can listen to the previ-
ous version, before you performed the “Put Effect Setting
to Track” operation.