5–1Q: Set Song Length
The items “Overwrite.WAV” and “Name” have been added
to the page menu command “Set Song Length” (☞PG p.75).
If the song contains an audio track and you execute this
command to shorten the length of the song (the “Length”
field), the audio track will also be shortened to the same
length as the song.
If you check “Overwrite.WAV,” the results of executing the
command will overwrite the WAVE file assigned to the
audio track. If this is unchecked, execution will create a new
WAVE file, and the audio track assignment will be changed
to the newly created WAVE file. If you are creating a new
file, use “Name” to specify a name for the file.
The page menu command “Sel Dir/WAV (Audio
Track)” specifies the save-destination for the newly cre-
ated WAVE file.
If you use the page menu command “Erase Track” to
erase all tracks (including the audio tracks and master
track) from a song and then begin recording on the
audio track, the “Set Song Length” dialog box will
appear. Specify the desired length of the song in the
“Set Song Length,” and you will be able to start record-
ing on the audio track.
You cannot make a WAVE file that is longer than 80
Add the above content to “Parameter Guide” Sequencer P5:
Track Edit (
PG p.68–75).