
Using System Setup 49
Ultra DMA Transfer Mode: Enables the hard drive to use
ultra DMA transfer mode to transfer data between the
drive and system memory. The default setting is Disabled.
Transfer Mode: Selects the method for transferring data
between the hard drive and system memory. Refer to
your drive’s user documentation to specify the correct
option for this field. Options are Standard; Fast PIO 1; Fast
PIO 2; Fast PIO 3; Fast PIO 4, Fast DMA A, Fast DMA B,
Fast DMA F, and PCI Bus Master DMA. The default
setting for this field depends on the type of hard drive
installed in your computer.
Memory Cache: Opens a submenu that enables or disables
external cache memory. Cache memory improves system
performance by keeping frequently used computer instructions
in memory with a faster access time than DRAM. The submenu
fields are
External Cache: Enables (default) or disables your
computer’s external (level 2) cache memory. Normally,
do not disable the cache memory unless a program’s
documentation specifies that the computer cache
memory must be disabled.
Cache System BIOS area: Enables (default) or disables
the caching of the system BIOS. Normally, leave this field
Cache Video BIOS area: Enables (default) or disables the
caching of the video BIOS. Normally, leave this field
Cache Memory Region: Enables or disables (default)
caching of shadowed option ROMs in the following
regions: CC00-CFFF, D000-D3FF, D400-D7FF, D800-
DBFF, and DC00-DFFF.
Boot Options: Opens a submenu with the following two fields:
Summary screen: Displays the system configuration
when the computer starts. The options are Enabled
(default) and Disabled.
Floppy check: Enables a check of the floppy drive during
the tests performed by the computer at startup. When
this field is enabled, a complete POST is performed at
startup. The options are Enabled and Disabled (default).
3754-1.bk : 3754-3.fm Page 49 Wednesday, July 30, 1997 2:33 PM